
1. Shin S, Han MJ, Jedrychowski MP, Zhang Z, Shokat KM, Plas DR, Dephoure N, Yoon SO. (2023) mTOR inhibition reprograms cellular proteostasis by regulating eIF3D-mediated selective mRNA translation and promotes cell phenotype switching. Cell Reports, 42(8):112868


      2. Shin S, Walker KA, Yoon SO (2022) The PIKK-AKT connection in the DNA damage response. Science Signaling, 15, eabm6211


3. Gomes AP, Ilter D, Low V, Rosenzweig A, Shen ZJ, Schild T, Rivas MA, Er EE, McNally DR, Mutvei AP, Han J, Ou YH, Cavaliere P, Mullarky E, Nagiec M, Shin S, Yoon SO, Dephoure N, Massague J, Melnick AM, Cantley LC, Tyler JK, Blenis J (2019) Dynamic Incorporation of Histone H3 Variants into Chromatin Is Essential for Acquisition of Aggressive Traits and Metastatic Colonization. Cancer Cell, 36,402-417


4. O'Reilly C, Qi Q, Peters JL, Cheng Y, Yoon SO*, Han MJ* (2019) The primitive growth factor NME7AB induces mitochondrially active naïve-like pluripotent stem cells. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 2019.100656.  * Corresponding author


5. O'Reilly C, Cho JH, Qi Q, Peters JL, Fukuda Y, Frase S, Peng J, Schuetz JD, Cheng Y, Yoon SO*, Han MJ* (2019). Metabolic switching in pluripotent stem cells reorganizes energy metabolism and subcellular organelles. Exp Cell Res. 379, 55-64. * Corresponding author

6. Shin S, Buel GR, Nagiec MJ, Han MJ, Roux PP, Blenis J, and Yoon SO (2019). ERK2 regulates epithelial to mesenchymal plasticity through DOCK10-dependent Rac1/FoxO1 activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 116, 2967-2976.


7. He L, Gomes AP*, Wang X*, Yoon SO*, Lee G, Nagiec MJ, Cho S, Chavez A, Islam T, Yu Y, Asara JM, Kim BY, Blenis J. (2018) mTORC1 Promotes Metabolic Reprogramming by the Suppression of GSK3-Dependent Foxk1 Phosphorylation. Mol Cell 70, 949-960. * Equal contribution


8. Houles T, Gravel SP, Lavoie G, Shin S, Savall M, Méant A, Grondin B, Gaboury L, Yoon SO, St-Pierre J, Roux PP. RSK Regulates PFK-2 Activity to Promote Metabolic Rewiring in Melanoma. Cancer Research, 78, 2191-2204.


9. Yoon SO*, Shin S, Karreth FA, Buel GR, Jedrychowski MP, Plas DR, Dedhar S, Gygi SP, Roux PP Dephoure N, Blenis J*. (2017)  Focal adhesion- and IGF1R-dependent survival and migratory pathways mediate tumor resistance to mTORC1/2 inhibition. Mol Cell, 67, 512-527  


10. Liu H, Feng X, Ennis KN, Behrmann CA, Sarma P, Jiang TT, Kofuji S, Niu L, Stratton Y, Thomas HE, Yoon SO, Sasaki AT, Plas DR. (2017) Pharmacologic Targeting of S6K1 in PTEN-Deficient Neoplasia. Cell Rep. 18, 2088-2095.


11. Li J, Shin S, Sun Y, Yoon SO, Li C, Zhang E, Yu J, Zhang J, Blenis J. (2016) mTORC1-driven tumor cells are highly sensitive to therapeutic targeting by antagonists of oxidative stress. Cancer Research, 76, 4816-27. 


12. Shin S, Buel GR, Wolgamott L, Plas DR, Asara JM, Blenis J, Yoon SO (2015).  ERK2 mediates metabolic stress response to regulate cell fate. Mol Cell, 59, 382-398.


13. Csibi A, Lee G, Yoon SO, Tong H, Ilter D, Elia I, Fendt S, Hurov J, Roberts T, and Blenis J (2014). Regulation of glutamine metabolism by  mTORC1/S6K1/eIF4B-dependent control of c-Myc translation and glutaminase expression. Current Biol, 24, 2274-80


14. Shin S, Wolgamott L, Roux PP, and Yoon SO (2014). Casein Kinase 1ε promotes cell proliferation by regulating mRNA translation. Cancer Research, 74, 201-211.


15. Shin S, Wolgamott L, Tcherkezian J, Yu Y, Roux PP, Yoon SO (2014). Glycogen synthase kinase-3β positively regulates protein synthesis and cell proliferation through the regulation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1. Oncogene, 33(13):1690-9.


16. Yoon SO* and Roux PP* (2013). Rapamycin resistance: mTORC1 substrates hold some of the answers. Current Biology, 23, R880-883 *Corresponding author


17.  Potluri V, Noothi SK, Vallabhapurapu SD, Yoon SO, Driscoll JJ, Lawrie CH, Vallabhapurapu S (2013) Transcriptional repression of Bim by a novel YY1-RelA complex is essential for the survival and growth of Multiple Myeloma. PLoS One, 8, e66121


18. Shin S, Wolgamott L, and Yoon SO (2012) Regulation of endothelial cell morphogenesis by the protein kinase D (PKD)/glycogen synthase kinase 3(GSK3)β pathway. American Journal of Physiology- Cell Physiology. 303, C743-56


19. Shin S, Wolgamott L, Yoon SO (2012). Glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3 and mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) cooperate to regulate protein S6 kinase 1(S6K1). Cell cycle, 11, 1053-1054


20. Shin S, Wolgamott L, Yoon SO (2012). Integrin trafficking and tumor progression. Int J Cell Biol., 2012:516789


21. Shin S, Wolgamott L, Yu Y, Blenis J, Yoon SO (2011). Glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3 promotes p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K) activity and cell proliferation.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 108, E1204–E1213


22. Yu Y, Yoon SO, Poulogiannis G, Yang Q, Ma XM, Villén J, Kubica N, Hoffman Gr, Cantley LC, Gygi SP, and Blenis J. (2011) Phosphoproteomic analysis identifies Grb10 as an mTORC1 substrate that negatively regulates insulin signaling. Science, 332, 1322-6


23. Shin S, Dimitri CA, Yoon SO, Dowdle W, and Blenis J. (2010) ERK2, but not ERK1, induces epithelial to mesenchymal transformation via DEF motif dependent signaling events. Mol Cell, 38, 114-127


24. Choo AY, Kim SG, Heiden MGV, Mahoney SJ, Vu H, Yoon SO, Cantley LC, and Blenis J. (2010) Glucose addiction of TSC-null cells is caused by failed mTORC1-dependent balancing of metabolic demand with supply. Mol Cell, 38, 487-499


25. Abe Y, Yoon SO, Kubota K, Mendoza MC, Gygi SP, and Blenis J. (2009). RSK and S6K link phosphorylation of the eukaryotic chaperonin containing TCP-1 to growth factor, insulin and nutrient signaling. J Biol Chem. 284, 14939-48


26. Yoon SO, Shin S, Liu Y, Ballif BA, Woo MS, Gygi SP, and Blenis J. (2008). Ran-binding protein 3 phosphorylation links the Ras and PI3-kinase pathways to nucleocytoplasmic transport. Mol Cell 29, 362-375

27. Ma XM, Yoon SO, Richardson CJ, Julich K, and Blenis J. (2008). SKAR links pre-mRNA splicing to mTOR/S6K1-mediated enhanced translation efficiency of spliced mRNAs. Cell 133, 303-13


28. Choo AY, Yoon SO, Kim SG, Roux PP, and Blenis J. (2008). Rapamycin differentially inhibits S6Ks and 4E-BP1 to mediate cell type-specific repression of mRNA translation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  105, 17414-9


29. Kim KH, Cho YS, Park JM, Yoon SO, Kim KW, and Chung AS (2007). Pro-MMP-2 activation by PPARgamma agonist, ciglitazone, induces cell invasion through the generation of ROS and the activation of ERK. FEBS Lett. 581:3303-3310


30. Yoon SO, Shin S, and Lipscomb EA. (2006) A novel mechanism for integrin-mediated ras activation in breast carcinoma cells: the alpha6beta4 integrin regulates ErbB2 translation and transactivates epidermal growth factor receptor/ErbB2 signaling. Cancer Res. 66, 2732-2739

   Corresponding author


31. Yoon SO, Shin S, and Mercurio AM. (2006) Ras stimulation of E2F activity and a consequent E2F regulation of integrin alpha6beta4 promote the invasion of breast carcinoma cells. Cancer Res. 66, 6288-6295


32. Yoon SO, Shin S, Lee HJ, Chun HK and Chung AS. (2006). Isoginkgetin inhibits tumor cell invasion by regulating phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt-dependent matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression. Mol. Cancer Ther. 5, 2666-75


33. Yoon SO, Shin S, and Mercurio AM. (2005) Hypoxia stimulates carcinoma invasion by stabilizing microtubules and promoting the Rab11 trafficking of the a6b4 integrin. Cancer Res. 65, 2761-2769


34. Bachelder RE, Yoon SO, Franci C, Herreros AG, and Mercurio AM.  (2005) GSK-3 is an endogenous inhibitor of Snail transcription:  Implications for the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. J. Cell Biol. 168, 29-33


35. Chung J, Yoon S, Datta K, Bachelder RE, Mercurio AM. (2004) Hypoxia-induced vascular endothelial growth factor transcription and protection from apoptosis are dependent on α6β1 integrin in breast carcinoma cells. Cancer Res. 64, 4711- 4716


36. Chung J, Yoon SO, Lipscomb EA, Mercurio AM. (2004) The Met receptor and alpha 6 beta 4 integrin can function independently to promote carcinoma invasion. J. Biol. Chem. 279:32287-32293


37. Kim MM, Yoon SO, Cho YS, Chung AS. (2004) Histone deacetylases, HDAC1 and HSIR2, act as a negative regulator of ageing through p53 in human gingival fibroblast. Mech Ageing Dev. 125:351-357


38. Han MJ, Kim BY, Yoon SO, Chung AS. (2003) Cell proliferation induced by reactive oxygen species is mediated via mitogen-activated protein kinase in Chinese hamster lung fibroblast (V79) cells.  Mol Cells 15: 94-101


39. Yoon SO, Park SJ, Yun CH, Chung AS. (2003) Roles of matrix metalloproteinases in tumor metastasis and angiogenesis. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 36:128-137


40. Yoon SO, Yun CH and Chung AS. (2002) Dose effect of oxidative stress on signal transduction in aging. Mech. Ageing Dev. 123: 1597-1604


41. Yoon SO, Kim MM, Park SJ, Kim D, Chung J, and Chung AS. (2002) Selenite suppresses hydrogen peroxide-induced cell apoptosis through inhibition of ASK1/JNK and activation of PI3-K/Akt pathways. FASEB J. 16, 111-113


42. Yoon SO, Park SJ, Yoon SY, Yun CH and Chung AS. (2002) Sustained production of H2O2 activates pro-MMP-2 through receptor tyrosine kinases/PI3-K/NF-kB pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 30271-30282


43. Yoon SO, Park SJ and Chung AS. (2002) Selenite inhibits apoptosis via activation of PI3-K /Akt pathway. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 973: 221-223


44. Yoon SO, Kim MM and Chung AS. (2001) Inhibitory effect of selenite on invasion of HT1080 tumor cells. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 20085-20092


45. Kim D, Kim S, Koh H, Yoon SO, Chung AS, Cho KS, and Chung J. (2001) Akt/PKB promotes cancer cell invasion via increased motility and metalloproteinase production. FASEB J. 15, 1953-1962


46. Jung U, Zheng X, Yoon SO, and Chung AS. (2001) Se-methylselenocysteine   induces apoptosis mediated by ROS in HL-60 cells. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 31, 479-489


47. Yoon SO, Lee YS, Lee SH, and Cho YD. (2000) Polyamine synthesis in plants: isolation and characterization of spermidine synthase from soybean (Glycine max) axes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1475, 17-26